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Powersoft X Series raises power amplification to a new standard of quality and usability. Powersoft X Series innovates the concept of amplifier platform: it implements a new system of channel routing, new worldwide compatible three phase power supply and a revolutionary full featured DSP.
Powersoft X Series natively supports AES3, two redundant Dante™ by Audinate® digital streams and analog inputs, providing up to 4 different selectable input sources per channel.
Bővebben: X SeriesThe K Series is the flagship of Powersoft's technologies, ranking in the "Top Class" amplification of the global pro audio market. Offering various power ratings in 6 models, the K Series represents a new milestone of switch mode amplification providing incredible power in 1 rack unit with the lowest weight, highest efficiency and premium sonic performances. Remote control and advanced signal processing abilities thourgh Armonía Pro Audio Suite™. Interface available for MediaMatrix, Crestron and AMX control and monitoring systems.
The M Series offers maximum efficiency with minimum power consumption, ideal for portable sound systems thanks to its 1U standard size and reduced weight and depth. The M Series allows a great flexibility thanks to 5 different 2-channel and 4-channel models, now available also in the HDSP+ETH versions, offering remote control and advanced signal processing abilities thourgh Armonía Pro Audio Suite™. Interface available for Crestron control and monitoring systems.
The D Series and Q Series comprise 6 models offering various power ratings, ranging respectively from 2 x 600 watts/ch. @ 4 Ohm to 2 x 2000 watts/ch. @ 2 Ohm, and from 4 x 400 watts/ch. @ 4 Ohm to 4 x 1000 watts/ch. @ 2 Ohm.
Both Series are particulary suitable to be used in large and distributed systems thanks to the capability of advanced remote control and monitoring features suitable to manage up to 100 amps.
The D and Q Series represent a further flexible and cost effective approach from stand alone use to large systems, allowing to reduce the total number of pieces of equipment in various system configurations.
Kizárólagos Powersoft forgalmazó: Music Benei